The material on this page is all free and the material is from the US government and pertains to math, Metallurgy and Welding. I list this material as it is free and all this material is on the CWI exam. Reading through this material may help candidates gain a better understanding of the subject matter on Part A test component of the CWI exam and will allow for some practice test taking. I will be adding more material as I find it or am able to modify existing material into something that might be useful.
I listed this material because i like the way that the US military training manuals break down complicated subjects like welding and metallurgy into a language that the common person can understand. And also did I mention this material is free.
The MP3s on this page are me reading some of the material that is in the training manual. My apologies for not being able to find a better voice to read this stuff but the budget was pretty tight for this project and a high quality professional voice was not available in our price range. If you like this material download the material and burn to a flash-drive or a CD and listen on your commute. Learn the vocabulary and some of the concepts. My intention is to give potential candidates a head-start into some of the vocabulary and concepts that are on the CWI exam. Words like Martensite, Face Center Cubic etc-.
Material in the training materials may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. These training materials are provided ‘AS IS’ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.
Study Materials
- Basic Math and Algebra NAVEDTRA 14139
- Basic Math For Nurses US Army
- CH 10 NAVEDTRA 14119 - Hull Technician
- Ch 14 NAVEDTRA 14119 - Hull Technician-5
- DOE Fundementals Handbook math-v1
- US ARMY metal-properties OD 1643
- US Army welding-2 OD 1654
- US army welding-theory 1650
- Metallurgy and Heat Treatment- Intro
- Principles of Heat Treating Part 1
- SMAW Process Overview
- FCAW Process Overview
- GTAW Process Overview
- Submerged Arc Welding Process Overview
- ACAG Process Overview
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